Multimedia and Flash Tools

Free Trial
Buy $19.95 |
Add streaming audio to your web
pages that works at 56Kbps.
Convert your WAV and MP3 files seamlessly just drag and drop them
into Boomer Audio and convert. With Mp3's just right click and convert.
Produces at your option a complete web page with the correct HTML
code generated by Boomer. Faster load times, smaller file sizes, and
a free format unlike other formats, you can never be charged for its
use. (more info) |

Free Trial Buy $29.95 |
Convert any static or animated
Gif, Jpeg, Avi, Bmp, and Png to the Shockwave Flash format. Create
Flash Web Buttons, Logos, Banner Ads and Slideshows for your Website.
Make dynamic presentations: Panning, Fade-in, Fade-out, Transitions,
Carousel effects and more. (more
info) |

Free Trial Buy $9.95 |
The easiest tool in the world to
have Flash™ design on your web pages.
It will convert any static (one picture) or animated GIF (many pictures
that are called frames) to the SWF format (Shockwave) which is the
format for the FLASH™ Movies. (more
info) |